Saturday, September 27, 2008

Baby Justin

Little Justin was born at the wee hours on the 26th of September 2008. He was amazingly good, and kept sleeping even with no less than 20 adoring people around him. And as with Indonesian, we were never quiet. Little Justin looks like his mom (or like his grandpa) and has a lot of hair like his dad. Cant wait to see him soon.

We heart baby Justin.

10 things I love at the moment

1. Mr Monkey Man (aka Russell) * blushing*
2. Mom and Dad and Alvin (Cheat to put 3 person in one number, I heard!)
3. Max & baby Justin
4. My friends - far and near
5. The House & garden (and the fact that it is Spring)
6. Sex and The City (will always top my list)
7. Gossip Girl
8. Saturday mornings
9. Westfield Miranda
10. Cupcakes

Saturdays and Sundays

Heyyyy... I did a new posting last week, but it didnt show up... How annoying!! Anyway it was about my cancelled prewedding photos... not to worry... I will write about it again one day. Today I am just in the mood of writing something else.

I love Saturday and Sunday morning, especially when the sun is out. I dont necessarily love sunbaking, but waking up to a bright day just make me happy. Saturday mornings are usually filled with cleaning (clean house + sunshine = seventh heaven), baking cupcakes (used to), or browsing the wedding blogs. Anything beautiful is done on Saturday morning.

On Sunday mornings, I always raced to the front yard to get the Sunday paper. Dont everyone love Sunday paper? They are filled with happy news, cooking articles, goss, parties photos, everything exciting. Sunday is a good day to be lazy.

Sunday night is a totally different story though. My mood just slumped. Thinking about a full week of work. Yuck. I will do my whole week of ironing on Sunday night, and try not to think of the week ahead.

It is still 9.31 am Sunday morning. I'd better do some happy stuff before Sunday arvo kicks in.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


GAAAAAHHHH i feel like punching someone... someone at work has been soooo stupid and waste my whole afternoon!!!!!!!
He made me the person I am not - but he frustrates the bejaysus out of everyone!!!! FAARRRKKKK

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Spring time in Sydney

This Saturday the weather was kind enough to treat us Sydneysiders with warm Springtime weather. It is amazing to be able to walk around in shorts whilst the night before I still wear my ugg boots everywhere. Excited, I did some washing, hung them out in the sun, took photos of my plants and thought of the bbq and pool party that I would like to have here in my backyard. I didnt realise it was almost time for my dentist appointment. Worried that I would be late, I caught a cab. Man, it costed a fortune... but the fine weather made me feel so happy I didn't care.

The dentist took the braces off. Hurray. Finally!! My teeth felt really smooth, I kept licking them. After that I went to meet Irene & Ineke. Walking to World Square, I spoke to the yummy mommy to be - Stella- on the phone. I couldnt believe I just missed her in Paddy's!! If Ineke wasnt about to pick us up, I would have gone back and meet her and touch her cute tummy!!! Oh well - next time...

We went to Bronte and had fish and chips. It really was a lovely day. The pool on the side of the beach looked very inviting. The water is blue and the view was stunning. It was a nice feeling being out in the sun in such a lovely weather.

Spring is here. And I hope it doesnt go anytime soon.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


my orthodontist will take my braces off!! WOO HOO.

Hurray to blah!

Mel has now started writing her blog!! Yippie!! I did try writing a blog - because I wanted my girlfriends who now live so far away from me to know what I am doing (not that i do much, really)... as you can see... I wrote 3 postings in one sitting, then forgot the blog altogether... really glad Mel starts her own blog - it motivates me to continue with mine too.

Today was an ordinary day. Was at work from 8 to 6.45. I am sooo glad that i live literally a hop, skip and a jump away from work. I no longer have to go to bed by 10.30 (read that everyone!! I now can stay up late..LOL....). I had cravings for chorizos risotto but thought it was too late to cook. As it is late shopping night today, I went to Miranda Westfield. I had to wait for ages until Russ finish work. I was so hungry I felt I was about to faint! LOL. Went for a quick bite, then went back home and slouch on the couch like every other day of the week. The temperature has dropped again for the past couple of days. It is still quite cold at night.

Oh well, glad it's Thursday. Not too long till the weekend.