Wednesday, May 6, 2009

maternity leave... cant wait!

what an exhausting week... cant wait till the maternity leave arrive... i am sooo ready just to chill

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Kemaren g nonton Twilight di komputer - ya so pasti lah... mana mungkin si bule mao diajak nonton pelem romance yg notabene ditargetin buat pasar anak muda aka highschool. Kalo dia mao ikut nonton juga pasti ngasi komentar nyolot sepanjang pelem... belom lagi kudu desek2an sama anak bule highschool sini yg kadang nyebelin bukan maen. (Oh Tuhan, anakku bakalan separo bule... mudah2an tingkahnya gak kaya anak highschool berandal disini).

Back to Twilight btw.. omigod.... I luuuuurve the movie.... uh bagus banget kata gue... cowonya kece, cewenya kece, romantis, ttg high school... ohhh favorit dah... bingung juga si g bisa demen.. padahal g lulus sma udah 10 taun lalu loh... satu dekade sodara sodari!!! *ceplak ceplok krim anti kriput*

Bagi gue masa sma emang masa paling seru.... walo terdampar di Medan, yg malnya keitung jari sama kosakata orang2nya suka medok dan norak... g tetap cinta masa sma g... gimana engga.. yg dipusingin cuma sekola, tas sekola keren (skg si handbag keren masih), gimana bikin rok abu2 gak norak, sama cowo kece. Sisanya walahu alam. Masa depan selalu g anggep gancil. Mo jadi astronot NASA no worries... mo jadi inventor obat AIDS pasti bisa.... nothing is impossible.. impossible is nothing dah... gak ada namanya pusing cari duit.. pasti jadi milyuner!

Masa sma isinya belajar (iya kan ceritanya mo jadi astronot, inventor, bla bla bla) biar bisa jadi top student, ngeles inggris di EF kl ngga Australia Centre sambil berharap ada cowo kece (Nol besar), sama telponan sama kecengan or temen tiap malem... cihuy deh... wiken isinya nonton, ngafe di mal yg cuma segelintir tapi beken pas jaman g sma, sama kl ngga makan sama keluarga.... ga pusing deh... temen2 juga tiap hari ketemu.

Udah gitu kisah cinta di SMA selalu seindah kisah Romeo n Juliet.... gara2 semua pake hati kali yah ga pake otak.... ketemu pleboi: ah pasti dia bakalan jatu cinta sama g dan berubah... ktemu cowo yg mobil bagus: alhamdulilah pasti dia bisa nerusin bisnis bapaknya (matre dikit)... mana pusing yg namanya macem2 kaya sekarang.... segala sesuatu romantis dah!!! dulu tuh belum ada yg namanya hape buat smsan... adanya telpon sama kartu sama surat... aihh.. tuh surat... bisa dah dijlid... hihihih.. emang si ol time letters sama kartu tu lebi romantis banding sms (walo dapet balesannya lama bo) karena bisa diliatin terus, dipeluk, dicium2.... kl hape kan isa koslet kalo dicium2..

Nahh.. Twilight itu ceritanya ttg cowo vampir super cool yg jatu cinta sama cewe yg baru pindah ke kota kecil tempat si cowo (Edward Cullen) tinggal... Si cewe juga mayan tertarik dari pandangan pertama.. ya terang aja.. wong si Edward aja guantengnya bukan maen.... Nah yg bikin si cewe alias Bella jatu cinta mati2an sama Edward ya those unpredictable initial attitude dari si Edward.... dari gak say hello pas duduk di sebelahnya, sampe minta pindah kelas biar ga sekelas Bella. Dari benci comes penasaran then jatu cinta... uhui deh.
Encinya si bule ngajak anaknya yg teenager pegi ntn... katanya duile high school bangett... pengen ngikik kadang2 katanya... Kemaren g abis nonton mikir: apa g yang otaknya masi ga bisa lupain high school ye... masi demen aja pelem ginian... hihi.... si bule aja bengong pas g bilang Twilight bagus bgt.. haha

Oh well I think I love the movie because it reminds me of how simple life is when you were in highschool. How the future always seem to be wonderful and you have nothing to worry about. Then you leave high school, go to uni, work, then you realize life is not that simple. It is wonderful with all its ups and downs, but definitely not simple.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A baby diary

I wonder what babies think about when they are still in Mommies' womb
Lunch time: F***!!! Mum ate chilli! Bloody hot... doesnt she realize that I eat what she eats?? Plus, I live in amniotic fluid, if i had diarrhoea, chances are I eat my own poop!
After dinner (woke up because of a nasty noise, sound like a little explosion from inside here - followed by Mummy's chuckle): WTH!!! What was that? It sounds scary... then i heard dad says it smells revolting... oh.. mum must have passed wind.
At night: Mommy is not moving heaps, she must be sleeping... hmm.. booooorinnnggg.. i have no one to play with here... *kick* wake up mom....*wiggle wiggle* hellooooo..... can you feel me here???!?!?!? eat something mom! so that i can eat too!!.............. still nothing.. sigh.. allrite, will try to sleep... will try kicking again in an hour or so
Mozart playlist time: Whoever says that Mozart is the fave composer for babies needs to be slapped in the head... we babies move less when listening to Mozart because the boredom drives us to sleep! We jumped and wiggled when rock music is being played because we are excited! Isnt that what people are supposed to do? Jump up and down to rock music?

Good luck Gepeng and Christine

Another two great friends are moving back to Indo soon... sigh... Gepeng and Christine invited us to their farewell barbie at Maroubra beach yesterday. It was such a nice sunny day - a nice change from a week of rain and cold weather. A great day to spend with friends and good food.

Took us a little while to find the spot where they had the Bbq. Was on the phone with Gepeng trying to figure out where they were, only to find out that they were just 20 metres away, behind the bush. LOL. It was great to see them, yet sad to say goodbye. Afterall we all used to spend weekend and some weekdays together. Oh well, it is what is best for them, and I am happy for them.

The rest of the gang came a bit later. It was good to catch up and hear what everyone was up to. The boys were still into poker, and the girls talked mainly about babies. Too bad little Justin was not feeling well, so he had to stay at home. I think a few people were dissapointed he didnt turn up (including me). Stella posted a video of him crawling and he looked super adorable.

Some of the boys had really professional looking cameras with them too. Cant wait to see the photos, I bet they will be amazing. Gepeng had sort of established himself as the photographer of the group. His photos are bound to be good.

Everyone sort of marveled at how big my tummy was. Yep it was massive. I ate a lot at the Bbq too, so it didnt help.

We said goodbye at around 3 in the afternoon. It was an Anzac day - so it really felt like a public holiday, even though it fell on a Saturday.

Good bye and good luck for Gepeng and Christine. Have fun in New Zealand, take care and hope to see you soon.

Finally a Stanton

Changed my surname to Stanton. Finally. Got married around 6 months ago and didnt get around to have my name changed until last Friday. With baby on the way and hubby worrying the little one having Septhia as his surname, I went to RTA and officially have Septhia replaced with Stanton. There you go. Since the Indonesian government forgotten to put my actual last name on my birth certificate, I have to use my middle name as my last name here. Now I have to forgo my middle name too and change it to Stanton. Why not keep both - I heard you ask. Errr... if I keep Septhia then my initial will be ASS. Not good. And we use initials when signing off work too. So no.
Oh well, another thing can be crossed of my growing 'My to do' list.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Baby Justin

Little Justin was born at the wee hours on the 26th of September 2008. He was amazingly good, and kept sleeping even with no less than 20 adoring people around him. And as with Indonesian, we were never quiet. Little Justin looks like his mom (or like his grandpa) and has a lot of hair like his dad. Cant wait to see him soon.

We heart baby Justin.

10 things I love at the moment

1. Mr Monkey Man (aka Russell) * blushing*
2. Mom and Dad and Alvin (Cheat to put 3 person in one number, I heard!)
3. Max & baby Justin
4. My friends - far and near
5. The House & garden (and the fact that it is Spring)
6. Sex and The City (will always top my list)
7. Gossip Girl
8. Saturday mornings
9. Westfield Miranda
10. Cupcakes