Saturday, April 25, 2009

A baby diary

I wonder what babies think about when they are still in Mommies' womb
Lunch time: F***!!! Mum ate chilli! Bloody hot... doesnt she realize that I eat what she eats?? Plus, I live in amniotic fluid, if i had diarrhoea, chances are I eat my own poop!
After dinner (woke up because of a nasty noise, sound like a little explosion from inside here - followed by Mummy's chuckle): WTH!!! What was that? It sounds scary... then i heard dad says it smells revolting... oh.. mum must have passed wind.
At night: Mommy is not moving heaps, she must be sleeping... hmm.. booooorinnnggg.. i have no one to play with here... *kick* wake up mom....*wiggle wiggle* hellooooo..... can you feel me here???!?!?!? eat something mom! so that i can eat too!!.............. still nothing.. sigh.. allrite, will try to sleep... will try kicking again in an hour or so
Mozart playlist time: Whoever says that Mozart is the fave composer for babies needs to be slapped in the head... we babies move less when listening to Mozart because the boredom drives us to sleep! We jumped and wiggled when rock music is being played because we are excited! Isnt that what people are supposed to do? Jump up and down to rock music?

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