Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good luck Gepeng and Christine

Another two great friends are moving back to Indo soon... sigh... Gepeng and Christine invited us to their farewell barbie at Maroubra beach yesterday. It was such a nice sunny day - a nice change from a week of rain and cold weather. A great day to spend with friends and good food.

Took us a little while to find the spot where they had the Bbq. Was on the phone with Gepeng trying to figure out where they were, only to find out that they were just 20 metres away, behind the bush. LOL. It was great to see them, yet sad to say goodbye. Afterall we all used to spend weekend and some weekdays together. Oh well, it is what is best for them, and I am happy for them.

The rest of the gang came a bit later. It was good to catch up and hear what everyone was up to. The boys were still into poker, and the girls talked mainly about babies. Too bad little Justin was not feeling well, so he had to stay at home. I think a few people were dissapointed he didnt turn up (including me). Stella posted a video of him crawling and he looked super adorable.

Some of the boys had really professional looking cameras with them too. Cant wait to see the photos, I bet they will be amazing. Gepeng had sort of established himself as the photographer of the group. His photos are bound to be good.

Everyone sort of marveled at how big my tummy was. Yep it was massive. I ate a lot at the Bbq too, so it didnt help.

We said goodbye at around 3 in the afternoon. It was an Anzac day - so it really felt like a public holiday, even though it fell on a Saturday.

Good bye and good luck for Gepeng and Christine. Have fun in New Zealand, take care and hope to see you soon.

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