Sunday, January 27, 2008

tyrany of life

people grow up with fairytales... princesses kiss a frog, it turns to handsome prince, and they life happily ever after. they dont tell you what happen with the peasant... the ordinary people, they keep going live their shitty life. truth is, even princes and princesses these days hardly live a happy life, let alone happily ever after. they've got paparazzi sniffing their ass, trying to look for something to ridicule them.
Modern life is hardly a trip down a candy lane. the older you are, the more responsibility you have, the more people can be affected by your action, less people can or want to help you if you stuff up. people used to work to live. these days it seems work sucks the life out of someone, especially those working in big companies. they wear their pressed, dry cleaned suit, graciously carry the laptop in the lv bag and a mont blanc in the pocket. they smile a professional smile. all they care is how much they can profit from you. as long as you pay their fee, they will do what you said. once you are no longer a milking cow, who cares if you go to hell.
when i was a kid, i was only worried when i couldnt finish my homework on time to play with my friend. in my teen years, i was worried about exam, and if the cute boy sitting behind me meant it when he said i was cute. then i was in uni, worried about exams and job. then i grow older, greedier, and worried if my boss is ripping me off and not paying me what i am worth. some got worried they will die alone and will not be able to find a true love. it never ends, and it seems worse, because when you're older, you feel you'll run out of time. when we were young we said, when i'm older i will be rich, happy and have a massive boat. when you are a grown up and dont have these things you dont said when i'm older i will have a massive boat. you feel like a failure and start questioning why you became a loser.
the pressure to succeed not only come from yourself. everyone looks at you, you compete, you have to be better than everyone.
i sometimes wonder why now the emo group exist. they are young - what do they know about life. but then i see, kids are forced to be grown up at such an early age. they are anorexic by the age of six. pooh bear belly is no longer attractive. britney's (used to be) six pack is the new it.
i had a beautiful childhood. my teen year was awesome. i had great friends and my parents were cool. thinking how much of a stressball i am now makes me worried about the world. if i cant see the world as a pretty place, how would others?

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